Ready For a Huge Tea Spill?
Have you heard the news? My book Let's Talk About EX, Baby is selling out! Get your copy everywhere books are sold.
Have you heard the news? My book Let's Talk About EX, Baby is selling out! Get your copy everywhere books are sold.
entertaining and brutally honest collection of mishaps that will make you rethink how you search for love. But don’t start scrolling Kijiji for cats just yet. Every cautionary fail is meant to nudge you in the right direction – towards whatever your HAPPY ENDING looks like to you. Unabashed and unfiltered, author Karen Zeifman’s voice and candor will appeal to anyone still trying to strive and thrive after a bad relationship.
If You’ve Ever Been:
Then this hilarious tell-all is for you. A reminder to women and men everywhere that our EXperiences are always lessons learned.
Sonja Morgan, The Real Housewives of New York City
"Reading a collection of stories stacked side by side about the hopeful beginnings and calamitous ends of relationships can be funny. But, as you know, it is often more like driving past a series of highway car wrecks. Sometimes you're the passerby, turning down the radio, slowing to rubberneck the carnage. Other times, you're the one being carted away from the flaming vehicle of yet another breakup."
"Great praise for Zeifman’s brave book, a provocative testimonial full of hard truths about the tragedies of the Toronto dating scene.”
"Let’s Talk About Ex, Baby is a funny, insightful and sometimes scary look into the world of dating old guys in the modern world. Prepare for hilarity and a few truly odd moments and enjoy the search for love!"
"Karen’s done the bad relationships so we don’t have to. (But we’ll probably go ahead anyway). Sometimes hilarious, sometimes cringy but always insightful! Wherever you are on the relationship spectrum, this is worth the read.”
"Let’s Talk about Ex, Baby takes you on a mind bending, hilarious journey of the ebbs and flows of relationships and the lack thereof. Author Karen, is the gal you want to throw a glass or thirteen back with while sharing the good, the bad and the fugly about her ex partners. Finally, a book where we can ALL find commonalities about our awful EX’s.”
“The best part about banging your head against a rock is how good it feels when you finally stop. That's what I wondered when reading Zeifman's honest, funny and occasionally frightening real-life encyclopedia of dating. Did she ever really just think about stopping? Thankfully the answer is finally yes. A true lesson in what many of us have done and what we have learned from it. A must read."
"Although I had the pleasure of watching many of Karen’s relationships unfold in real-time, reading about them was so much more entertaining. Her cautionary fails were fresh, relatable, and downright hysterical. Oh, and the old man was a horrible tipper!"